DT-tbx website
Affiliations. LAMFA CNRS-UMR 7352, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, FRANCE.

This is the companion website for A Toolbox for Digital Twins: from Model-based to Data-driven. SIAM (2022). This book provides a unique resource for all the modeling and computational tools needed to formulate, test and deploy Digital Twins. All the codes from the book examples are available. They can also be obtained directly from my GitHub repository. Typos and other errors are inevitable, so please help by filling in the Errata/Feedback form. Your feedback is precious. The current list of errata can be found here.
Here is a preview of the book’s cover.
My career has covered a lot of ground: from academia to industry, passing through governmental, European and international institutions. Learning from all of these, has provided a broad persepctive of how and what mathematics can propose to society. For more details, please consult my homepage and recent CV.
Publications related to the subject of Digital Twins can be found on the publications page page. My previous book remains a good source for a detailed presentation of Data Assimilation.
I provide consulting and training for Digital Twins and their implementations. Please see the dedicated pages.
In the twins section, a number of models are show-cased and an updated list, with links, is provided.
Please consult regularly the blog section, where you will find updates, timely and additional material, as well as invited posts written by eminent colleagues.
Links to my social media connections are available in the top- and bottom of page menus.
recent events and conferences
- June 2024: Journée du LAMFA, invited speaker. Talk: Kalman Filters: from Data Assimilation to Inverse Problems pdf
- June 2024: Plenary speaker at Mathematical Society of the Philippines 2024 Annual Conference - talk: AI for Science, Science for AI pdf
- May 2024: lecturer at CIMPA school on Mathematics for Health Sciences
- October 2023: Thanks to a grant from the Visiting Lecturer Program of the IMU, I spent 2 weeks at Caraga State University in the Philippines, where I gave 60h of graduate training on Data Assimilation and Digital Twins for Environmental Problems. All the course material can be found on the course website
- October 2023: Plenary talk at the Mathematical Society of the Philippines regional meeting in Davao City, Philippines. website
- August 2023: Two lectures on Data Assililation and Digital Twins in the FJOHSS summer school in Karslruhe, Germany.
- August 2023: Invited talk in ICIAM 2023, Tokyo, Japan.
- June 2023: Invited talk on Digital Twins for Marine Bioacoustics, at the ADSIL meeting in Toulon, France.
- June 2023: Kick-off of the 40M€ NumPEx project, in Perros-Guirrec, France.
- March 2023: Mini-symposium “Machine Learning and Digital Twins” organizer and speaker in SIAM CSE 2023 conference, in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- February 2023: Invited Speaker in a NASEM Workshop on Digital Twins in ATmospheric, Climate and Sustainability Science, Washington DC, USA.
Dec 10, 2023 | Added recent events and conference participations |
Nov 26, 2021 | First blog posts have appeared. Others will follow. |