@conference{Ferrari2020,author={Ferrari, Maxence and Glotin, Herv\'e and Marxer, Ricard and Asch, Mark},booktitle={International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)},title={{DOCC10}: {O}pen access dataset of marine mammal transient studies and end-to-end {CNN} classification},year={2020},bibtex_show={true},pdf={FerrariIJCNN.pdf},selected={false}}
Big data and extreme-scale computing: Pathways to Convergence-Toward a shaping strategy for a future software and data ecosystem for scientific inquiry
Asch, Mark,
Moore, T.,
Badia, R.,
Beck, M.,
Beckman, P.,
Bidot, T.,
Bodin, F.,
Cappello, F.,
Choudhary, A.,
Supinski, B.,
Deelman, E.,
Dongarra, J.,
Dubey, A.,
Fox, G.,
Fu, H.,
Girona, S.,
Gropp, W.,
Heroux, M.,
Ishikawa, Y.,
Keahey, K.,
Keyes, D.,
Kramer, W.,
Lavignon, J-F,
Lu, Y.,
Matsuoka, S.,
Mohr, B.,
Reed, D.,
Requena, S.,
Saltz, J.,
Schulthess, T.,
Stevens, R.,
Swany, M.,
Szalay, A.,
Tang, W.,
Varoquaux, G.,
Vilotte, J.-P.,
Wisniewski, R.,
Xu, Z.,
and Zacharov, I.
@article{Asch2018,author={Asch, Mark and Moore, T. and Badia, R. and Beck, M. and Beckman, P. and Bidot, T. and Bodin, F. and Cappello, F. and Choudhary, A. and de Supinski, B. and Deelman, E. and Dongarra, J. and Dubey, A. and Fox, G. and Fu, H. and Girona, S. and Gropp, W. and Heroux, M. and Ishikawa, Y. and Keahey, K. and Keyes, D. and Kramer, W. and Lavignon, J-F and Lu, Y. and Matsuoka, S. and Mohr, B. and Reed, D. and Requena, S. and Saltz, J. and Schulthess, T. and Stevens, R. and Swany, M. and Szalay, A. and Tang, W. and Varoquaux, G. and Vilotte, J.-P. and Wisniewski, R. and Xu, Z. and Zacharov, I.},journal={Int. J. HPC Appl.},title={Big data and extreme-scale computing: Pathways to Convergence-Toward a shaping strategy for a future software and data ecosystem for scientific inquiry},year={2018},number={4},pages={435--479},volume={32},abbr={IJHPCA},bibtex_show={true},html={https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1094342018778123?journalCode=hpcc},pdf={AschPathways.pdf}}
Data Assimilation: Methods, Algorithms and Applications
@book{Asch2016,author={Asch, Mark and Bocquet, Marc and Nodet, Maelle},publisher={SIAM},title={Data {A}ssimilation: {M}ethods, {A}lgorithms and {A}pplications},year={2016},bibtex_show={true},abbr={SIAM},html={http://bookstore.siam.org/fa11/}}
Transient imaging with limited-view data
Ammari, H.,
Asch, Mark,
Jugnon, V.,
Guadarrama Bustos, L.,
and Kang, H.
@article{Ammari2011,title={Transient imaging with limited-view data},author={Ammari, H. and Asch, Mark and Jugnon, V. and Guadarrama Bustos, L. and Kang, H.},journal={SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences},year={2011},pages={1097--1121},volume={4},owner={mkaa},timestamp={2016.02.16},abbr={SIIMS},bibtex_show={true},html={https://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/100786174}}
Modelling flint acoustics for detection of submerged Stone Age sites
Hermand, Jean-Pierre,
Grøn, Ole,
Asch, Mark,
and Ren, Qunyan
@inproceedings{Hermand2011,author={Hermand, Jean-Pierre and Gr{\o}n, Ole and Asch, Mark and Ren, Qunyan},title={Modelling flint acoustics for detection of submerged Stone Age sites},booktitle={OCEANS 2011},year={2011},pages={1--9},organization={IEEE},abbr={IEEE},bibtex_show={true}}
Localization and increased damping in irregular acoustic cavities
Felix, Simon,
Asch, Mark,
Filoche, Marcel,
and Sapoval, Bernard
@article{Felix2007,title={Localization and increased damping in irregular acoustic cavities},author={Felix, Simon and Asch, Mark and Filoche, Marcel and Sapoval, Bernard},journal={Journal of Sound and Vibration},year={2007},pages={965--976},volume={4-5},owner={mkaa},abbr={JSV},bibtex_show={true},html={http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=}}
Adjoint-based acoustic inversion for the physical characterization of a shallow water environment
Hermand, JP.,
Meyer, M.,
Asch, Mark,
and Berrada, M.
@article{Hermand2006a,title={Adjoint-based acoustic inversion for the physical characterization of a shallow water environment},author={Hermand, JP. and Meyer, M. and Asch, Mark and Berrada, M.},journal={J. Acoust. Soc. Am.},year={2006},month=jun,number={6},pages={3860--3871},volume={119},keywords={underwater sound, acoustic wave propagation, inverse problems, acoustic tomography, acoustic field, acoustic wave velocity, acoustic signal processing},owner={Mark},publisher={ASA},timestamp={2010.01.14},url={http://link.aip.org/link/?JAS/119/3860/1},abbr={JASA},html={https://asa.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1121/1.2197790},bibtex_show={true}}