chapter 11

Bayes and uncertainty quantification

Here are the code examples for Chapter 11.

Bayesian estimation

  • Example 11.5 Bayesian inference for binomial random variable (influence of priors).
  • Example 11.7 Bayesian inference for binomial random variable with beta conjugate priors.
  • Example 11.8 Bayesian inference for epidemics.

Bayesian regression

  • Example 11.10 Bayesian inference with Gaussian products.
  • Example 11.12 Bayesian inference of a mean for air quality data.
  • Example 11.13 Bayesian inference for a multivariate Gaussian (linear regression).
  • Example 11.14 Bayesian inference for parameters of a noisy pendulum.
  • Example 11.15 Bayesian regression and model reduction for diabetes data.
  • Example 11.17 Gaussian process regression for a sine function.

Bayesian filters

  • Example 11.18 Bayesian sequential regression for a multivariate Gaussian.
  • Example 11.19 Bayesian sequential estimation of 2d coordinates.

Bayesian inverse problems

Bayesian optimization

probabilistic programming